+49 711 36591990

“Certificate of good conduct” for the cleanroom

Every company operating a cleanroom should have it checked at regular intervals in terms of particle concentration, among other things – this is prescribed by the relevant standards and guidelines. Relevant measurement data includes cleanliness class measurements, recovery time measurements, filter leakage tests and microbiological airborne germ measurements.

All data must be processed in accordance with the required measurements and ideally documented in full using validated software. In the event of an official inspection of the cleanroom, the written documentation serves as a kind of “certificate of good conduct” – if the values are not within the prescribed range or if measurement data is missing, this can have considerable consequences for the further operation of the cleanroom.

Documentation is therefore not an optional extra, but a duty. Data preparation and evaluation is correspondingly complex, especially for large cleanroom systems: Up to 15,000 pages (and several weeks of work) for extensive documentation are actually possible for our documentation department during the main maintenance periods!

Published: November 2023



Any questions? Simply contact us without any obligation. We will be happy to assist you with our reliable expertise.

    CAT Clean Air Technology GmbH
    Motorstr. 51 | 70499 Stuttgart
    CAT e-tec GmbH
    Motorstr. 51 | 70499 Stuttgart
    CAT m-tec GmbH
    Motorstr. 51 | 70499 Stuttgart
  • Tel: +49 711 3659199 – 0
    Fax: +49 711 3659199 – 99

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