+49 711 36591990

Stem cells traveling

CAT GmbH qualifies stem cell laboratory of the University Hospital Tübingen, Germany

Sometimes cleanrooms help save lives. For example, when stem cell preparation for transplants is processed there – as in the stem cell laboratory of the University Hospital Tübingen, Germany. After completion of extensive reconstruction measures in the entire laboratory area by the clinic, we qualified precisely these cleanrooms and equipped the sluice area with a high-performance recirculation system.

Laboratory supplies clinics worldwide with stem cells
Incidentally, the joint stem cell and immune laboratory of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Medical Clinic II not only supplies the University Hospital Tübingen itself with stem cell transplants or preparations for cellular immunotherapy – the preparations are sent to hospitals all over the world. In the three cleanrooms (2 class B cleanrooms, each with 2 class A workbenches and an open A area, as well as a class C cleanroom), the various cells are prepared, cultivated if necessary, and even frozen (cryopreserved) for later use if required. To accomplish that, the cell preparations are stored in tanks with liquid nitrogen at -190 degrees Celsius and thawed again at a later time.

The reason for the extensive reconstruction of the stem cell and immune laboratory was an optimization of the access situation to the two GMP class B cleanrooms.

Long-standing cooperation
CAT GmbH has been entrusted with the regular requalification of the GMP area within the joint stem cell and immune laboratory for years, and also acted as an advisor regarding GMP aspects during the construction measures that have been completed in the meantime. After the reconstruction, it was important to ensure that this highly sensitive cleanroom area once again complied with the specifications of the GMP guidelines and ISO standard 14644. To achieve the specified air purity class in the sluice area as well, it was also necessary to plan and install a recirculation unit.

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Any questions? Simply contact us without any obligation. We will be happy to assist you with our reliable expertise.

    CAT Clean Air Technology GmbH
    Motorstr. 51 | 70499 Stuttgart
    CAT e-tec GmbH
    Motorstr. 51 | 70499 Stuttgart
    CAT m-tec GmbH
    Motorstr. 51 | 70499 Stuttgart
  • Tel: +49 711 3659199 – 0
    Fax: +49 711 3659199 – 99

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