Most wanted: Skilled workers
There is a shortage of skilled workers everywhere in Germany. In industry, in the skilled trades, in the social sector – and also to achieve the climate targets. Climate neutrality by 2045? An ambitious project! A recent study commissioned by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) concludes that there will be a shortage of around half a million skilled workers in the 250 professions relevant to the transformation over the next few years.
So what can we do apart from complaining about it? We have decided to be active ourselves and drum up publicity for our industry – wherever we can. In schools and at universities, at careers fairs and trainee days, as part of Girls’ Day, BOGY, taster days and guest lectures. We offer internships, practical semesters and student research projects – and make every effort to convey how varied and exciting the tasks in the field of technical building services and cleanroom technology are.
Even if a measurable result cannot always be derived immediately from all these activities – the effort is worth it with a view to the future!
Published: December 2024